A journey’s new start
Moments slip past
A quickening of the heart
Loves rains down
A distant star
Falls to the ground
Sparks illuminate the night
And eternity beckons
Shines loves pure light
A journey’s new start
Moments slip past
A quickening of the heart
Loves rains down
A distant star
Falls to the ground
Sparks illuminate the night
And eternity beckons
Shines loves pure light
Restless contentment Ripples across the waters Reflecting mercies ~Mark Schutter ©2015 #JustBelieve #GraceWins #HopeLives
We search, we seek to find. What do we desire? To fill our heart’s empty place, with the…
What do you do to recharge, refuel and refresh? You matter, so take care of yourself!
Merry Christmas! May your stocking be filled with chocolate, if that is your heart’s desire!
I am so often so far from who I wish to be Only showing the world the facade…