Yes or No?

Are you proud of yourself? #JustAsking

A simple, fascinating, and thought-provoking question I was recently asked during my conversation with Ronit @RonitPlank while recording an episode for her podcast And Then Everything Changed.

It really got me to thinking. An interesting question that is so easy to quickly fire off a yes or a no with little thought to why. It is so easy to respond with just a gut reaction to the question.

  • If we say YES, what are we proud of? Is it those moments, those events, those things we did or did not do? Who we have become or not become despite our circumstances?
  • And if we say NO, why are we not proud of ourselves? Did we fail when we expected to succeed, did we cause harm intentionally or not? Did we fail someone else or go back on a promise?

All deep questions that require some soul-searching. When asked I answered in the affirmative. I am proud of myself for persevering and overcoming so much in my journey through life. I have done the best I could with what I had and who I was at the time. And I will continue to do just that.

What about you? Give yourself some grace, life is hard. The choices are hard and we are all doing the best we can.


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