
Safety” by Fireflight from the album Innova featuring  Stephen Christian


All alone, alone you float
Can anybody see you
You’re a ghost
Do they know the pain you hide
Do they know the pain you hide
Cry for help, reaching out
Can anybody hear you when you shout
Are you hidden from their eyes
Are you hidden from their eyes
I see you

In the light, in the dark
I will be your bleeding heart
Cause when you need me
I’ll be your safety
I’ll be your safety
Like a fire, running wild
Can’t contain what’s deep inside
Ready to break free
I’ll be your safety
I’ll be your safety

Do you ever feel alone, like you’re a ghost? The enemy would have you believe that but it is not true. You are loved and you are not alone. Reach out to someone and if you have no one, reach out to me and I will do my best to be your safety. God bless! ~M

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