The following poem was written and recited to me by my 9 1/2 year-old daughter for Father’s Day, it so touched me that I wanted to share. The impact fathers (and mom’s) will have on their children is momentous, they are watching and listening. You will make an impact, the question is what kind of impact will you make? Happy Father’s Day to all the dads! ~M
I love my dad!
He makes me glad, when I’m sad!
Oh, I love my dad!
So, this is for you!
Because it’s Father’s Day!
This is for you!
But in a special way!
So, I’m going to explain, what my dad’s like.
So, I hope you’re not sitting in the rain.
My dad loves chocolate!
He’ll eat it every day!
He’s also writing a novel, safe to say.
He does tons of beautiful art!
And he’s really really smart!
But he’s silly in the head.
Though he doesn’t like spending too much money,
(so he said.)
He’s a biker as well.
But does a boring job, were he wear’s silly hats,
and I’m sure the next one will have a bell!
My dad’s the one that will do,
Or have to do everything in the house.
He even chased a mouse!
My dad is fun to fight and play with.
He’ll make me laugh most any time at all!
But I’m sure he gets bored when we have to go to the mall.
Well that is all, we have here.
I hope you liked it.
Now give me a cheer!
I love my Dad!
 ~Muppin ©2014