You are in the woods and you stumble across a tin box sticking up out of the ground. You dig it up to find…

Nothing!  Really?  Nothing…?

Just an empty tin box, rusted and dirty with no identifiable or distinguishing marks.  Story of my life it seems always left holding something that is actually nothing.  It never changes!

Time to move on; so why do I just stand here holding this empty tin box?  The sun is beating down on my head, birds are singing in the surrounding woods, clouds float lazily across the sky and the trees sway gently in the early morning breeze.

Lots of simple beauty to be grateful for surrounds me and here I am standing holding an empty tine box containing nothing.  I don’t get it.  Toss it aside, move on!  Let it go it is nothing and contains nothing!

So…why am I holding onto it?

Nothing speaks of emptiness… but… also of waiting to be filled, maybe?   Filled with … the possibilities are endless right?  Joy, love, laughter, adventure, hope…whatever we choose.

I have a choice!

It only seems I have nothing when in fact I have the whole world.

Maleko ©2013fwf-badge-pink

The above was written for Free Write Friday from the italicized text prompt at the top of the page using what is called stream of consciousness writing, no editing, no proofing just writing!

Please check out Kellie Elmore’s blog  for more information on Free Write Friday’s, comment with you link on Kellie’s blog, post on twitter with the hashtag #FWF and join the fun!

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  1. what an awesome take on this prompt! love the idea of it being empty; left to ponder all the goods you already hold and may fill into it. Sigh… beautiful! ♥ Thank you!!

    1. Thanks Kellie! I agonized for over 24 hours of what could be in the tin and got nothing finally realizing it contained nothing and that lead to a whole other story! Great prompt as usual!

      1. Thank you for pingback! Someone is going to have to explain what a pingback is to me as it is something about WordPress that I haven’t figured out yet. 🙂

      1. My understanding is when you link to another WordPress site (WP to WP), it pings a notice to the site you are linking, thus a pingback. It lets that person know you linked to his/her page. You should get an automatic notice as a comment on the post that is pinged. Does that make sense?

    1. Thanks Eliza! Appreciate you stopping by, it is so easy to focus on what we lack instead of on what God has already freely given us! Have a great day!

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