The doors closed tightly behind him and he was left alone in this box to a yet unknown future
“Find Happiness”
The small sign above the 5 buttons read, each button a different color
Blue – the color of sky and water, infinite; but also of melancholy and remorse
Green – the color of growth and vitality, life; but also mold and decay
 Yellow – the color of sun and warmth, love; but also disease and sickness
 Orange – the color of … hmm? the color of…this one he was unsure of
Red – the color of fire and heat, passion; but also pain and hurt
 He stared at the 5 colored buttons unsure of which one to pick as he had no idea what agony or ecstasy each might bring.
Was there a right answer? Or a wrong one?
 Then he noticed, a smaller sign below the colored buttons which simply read
 This small sign hung above a smaller single white button
 He thought and a realization occurred that finding happiness was not a destination
Something to be grabbed and held
But something inside we could carry with us
True power lies in being the person you were created to be & wish to be despite your circumstances.
Pushing the small white button the doors opened onto his LIFE
 Walking out of the elevator the colors of the world,
 Blues, Greens, Yellows, Oranges, Reds and so many more
Shone brilliantly all around him like he had never witnessed before and the future held infinite possibilities
~Maleko ©2013
This was written for Free Write Friday, using what is called stream of consciousness writing, no editing, no proofing just writing! Please check out Kellie Elmore’s official site or click on the Free Write Friday Image for more information. Post your submission with a comment and link to your blog on Kellie’s blog, post on twitter with the hashtag #FWF, Facebook and join the fun!