Searching… it’s all shit!
Warning: Honesty Post! *All my posts are honest, but this one is a clearer look behind my curtain…
Warning: Honesty Post! *All my posts are honest, but this one is a clearer look behind my curtain…
Sometimes disappearing is the only way to escape the swirling madness of the enemy’s lies. #JustBelieve #HopeLives #LoveChangesPeople
These words ring so true for me lately. Adrift in a sea of wandering and wondering what is…
I know that I don’t do nearly enough! Stop pretending and be who you are for authenticity is…
It has been 24 years today and I still miss you. Although, no longer overwhelmed by grief or…
Indefinable moments become the memories of our lives.
Happy day my friends!
Is it Fate? Or is it Faith? Are our destinies set? Can faith make a difference in the…
Each of us was given a unique voice for a purpose. When we do not speak out, we…