I encourage everyone to visit the site Cards of Hope and see how you can help to bring inspiration and happiness to people battling CANCER.  Her mission touches me on a very personal level because of my own experiences (you can read about that on my about page if interested).Lacie created the site to bring inspiration and happiness to people battling CANCER.  Cards of Hope was founded because of her experience staying with a friend, Pennie, who had terminal cancer. She was always looking for some glimmer of hope or joy in every day that she was alive. To quote Lacie, “Battling CANCER is a horrendous thing to have to go through, and I feel that if I can do anything to brighten a Cancer warrior’s day then I will do it.”

Cards of Hope functions on a purely donation basis.  The following list is only a few of the many items needed that can help brighten a warrior’s day.

*stamps (They Always Need Stamps!)

*gift cards
*coloring pages
*post cards
*cross word puzzle books
*new stuffed animals
*construction paper

You can view more items that are needed here.  You can also send money orders or checks for a donation.  Remember compassion, kindness and love are verbs.  They require action and you may actually experience the greater blessing by your giving.

In addition be sure to join the 1000 Voices for Compassion movement to flood social media with compassion on February 20, 2015. #1000Speak Together we can make a difference!

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