She spoke those words, I cringed inside.
A smile she shared, and I tried to hide.
There is a cost to love, are we willing to pay?
It takes all we have, and ever will each day.
20140823_200319_1[1]Dwelling along the edges of night
Silently hiding in the shadows cast
By others uncertain diffused light
There is another light that shines
Unafraid into the dark
Burning bright for all time
A light which exposes broken places
Where all the facade and fake reside
Tears leave tracks down our faces
Cracks in our amour are revealed
Wounded hearts are laid bare
Eternal fates may now be sealed
For in that moment all is clear
The pain and hurt can be healed
The light cleanses all fear
Our brokenness is only a start
Light pours through the cracks
Restoring and renewing lost hearts

~Mark W. Schutter ©2014

(What is the cost to love and are we willing to pay?  To open up ourselves to the vulnerability and allow the broken places to be revealed in truth and honesty.  For only through the cracks that we try to so desperately to hide, will the ‘light’ be able to penetrate into the dark of the hurt and pain so we may truly heal and become who we were destined to be. God bless! ~M)

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