Life isn’t a year from now, an hour from now, or even a minute from now.
It is in this moment.
Love doesn’t change and it doesn’t really grow.
It is infinite.
The future doesn’t shape us.
It is an illusion.
The past doesn’t belong in the present.
It is gone.
This breathe doesn’t guarantee another.
It is not my life.
Pain doesn’t rule me.
Love Wins.
Posted by smurinko on 22 Thursday Nov 2012
The above poem is a recent post by my friend Shawn Murinko that I wanted to share (with his permission of course!) Shawn always makes me think, laugh and yes even cry at times while discussing the mysterious of life or the mundane of everyday. I can think of no one I would rather share a bottle of Merlot with on this journey! Love Wins! Hope you enjoy his words ~M