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Just the other day, it came to me that I had not noticed any posts from you. I myself have been somewhat absent from wp. Anyway our world is broken down.. sin issues, issues of the heart. It ain’t easy, but I don’t want to focus on the poop of life. God is our strength when we are weak. When I try in my own strength, things don’t happen or work out. I am still under construction and learning at 67. I don’t have the answers for you, but I serve a mighty God, that does. Every day there is sorrow, loss, hurt and non of us is exempt. Jesus came that we may have life. He carried it all for us. We can thank Him and in that lift our hands to heaven and sing our song of redemption, praise and thanksgiving. May God fill you up and may you walk in His peace..
Thank you!
Hi Mark.. Thank you! We are all in this world together… Encouragement goes a long ways😀
It sure does and we all can use some at times. Thanks again!