Just because you don’t see anything happening
doesn’t mean that something isn’t happening. ~God

The battles we face
The wars raging about us
The lies we are told over and over
God cares about me more than I do
God is doing more than I can understand
God is strengthening me in spite of my weakness
God is good and only He can heal the broken hearts
The battles we face
The struggles we encounter
The lies in our minds we tell ourselves
Each person we encounter is fighting
Each person we see is carrying the burdens
Each person we love and hate is lovingly adored by God
Each person is not merely a mortal but eternally infinite
The battles we face
The help we so often need
The love we crave sits at the door
As we carry our broken hearts
His heart bleeds for only He has what we need
For long ago He has already won the battles we face

~Mark Schutter ©2014

Battles We FaceMy entire family has been sick since Christmas; first my daughter, then my wife and now me. It sucks as I am sure you all know. Now I am not complaining because I believe in something bigger than myself and this and other trials will only make us stronger.  It is so easy to get mired in our circumstances and this is a reminder that this too shall pass. ~M


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