What’cha gonna do? What’cha gonna do? What’cha gonna do?
When they come for you!
To lock you up in the human zoo!
Who dat? Who dat? Who dat?
We are locked in cages!
Stifled, chained and inside a box for ages!
What now? What now? What now?
Chickens hold tightly our chains!
We moan and cry, as we shower in the rain!
How’s this? How’s this? How’s this?
Slopping through the dark days!
Left alone and betrayed, what ever is left to say!
What the …? What the …? what the …?
Our lives incomplete and hopeless too!
We wake to find ourselves forever locked in a human zoo!
~Mark Schutter ©2014
(Poem #6 of 31, for #OctPoWriMo, just having some fun cause poetry doesn’t always have to be serious. Don’t let them catch you!)