1407290641819[1]For judgment will be merciless to one who has shown no mercy;
  mercy triumphs over judgment. ~James 2:13

Justice is sought when feeling wronged,
Revenge is believed to be a sweet soothing balm.
“Get even!”
We are told, to mend our wounded souls.
Hearts are broken completely shattered,
As if we did not matter!
Words are carelessly spoken,
The knife in our back a remembered token,
“How could you?!”
We scream, wishing it was all a dream.
We don’t deserve this we often cry.
As we wave our clenched fist at the unfeeling sky.
There is no remedy to our jaded history,
Sometimes there is no justice only mercy.

~Mark Schutter ©2014

 Healing only begins when we choose to forgive and then we find that we are the one’s who are changed.

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