Here is your FWF prompt… Let’s leap into the future with a time & place scenario.  The year: 2063 The place: An underground bunker  What’s going on?

looking up I see the sky across a field of muted blue smoke like gray clouds float by
reaching up to stretch my hands hit the invisible wall
what? slap, slap what is this?
oh my I am enclosed in a clear box buried deep in the ground only light comes in from above
dark earth is on the other three sides air comes in and I can stand and turn
my cell is only a small room what did I do to deserve this?
the authorities have taken over the year is 2063 and the world has changed
I was one of the hunted now captured my sentence for no crime
the loss of all physical touch I will never touch another human
the feel of the grass beneath my feet the cool earth or the hot sidewalk
just this cold smooth glass on all sides
the loneliness sets in with only the piped in sounds as company
the trees limbs above swaying tantalizing just out of reach in the breeze
my heart sinks my faith wanes my mind crawls to a stop as a tear rolls down my cheek
I open my eyes and watch the leaves tossed by the wind
my foot dangles and I feel a slight sensation of coolness and a tickle
my mind is playing tricks on me but my hand feels a softness of fur
looking to my left I see my foot resting in the green cool grass
my left hand resting lightly on my dog’s head sleeping on the ground below
I am laying in the outdoor swing of my own backyard
I realize it was only a dream as the breeze gently caresses my face
but then I realize they are coming and I must run
Mark Schutter ©2013

This was written for Free Write Friday from the prompt  at the top of the page.  Free Writing is using what is called stream of consciousness writing, no editing, no proofing just writing! Please check out Kellie Elmore’s official site or click on the Free Write Friday Image for more information. Post your submission with a comment and link to your blog on Kellie’s blog, post on twitter with the hashtag #FWF, Facebook and join the fun!

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