the fire in the fireplace has spilled the flames crawling across the floor,
the flames hungrily consuming as they burn;
my boots,
my scarf,
my gloves,
throwing my cup of hot chocolate at the flames only makes them hiss in return,
the red and white peppermint stick now dissolving soggily stuck to the floor,
outside the snowstorm rages while flames climb higher up the walls,
blizzard like conditions reflecting snow through the windows panes,
the fury has grounded the reindeer as the storm winds blow,
Santa Claus is frowning at this temporary(?) delay,
prayers are sent heavenward like religion served on a plate,
while the flames continue eating like unexpected relatives,
the house is empty the family had left long ago,
this is Christmas?
spiraling flames light up the holidays dark night,
the winter time bliss is all amiss,
with seasonal carols the flames do sing higher and higher,
the snowflakes collide with the fires heat as the roof is engulfed,
as they the pyre reaches the ice crystals from the eaves they drip,
melting from the bottom to top the candles do shrink into pools,
winter berries lie scorched and black in hopes of next year

Maleko ©2012

(This piece all in fun with tongue firmly planted in cheek was written from the following –

In the spirit of WinterÒ€¦ Use one or more of the words to inspire your penÒ€¦

Winter berries, candles, ice crystals, snow flakes, seasonal, fwf-badge-pinkwinter, holidays, Christmas, family, eating, religion, Santa Claus, reindeer, blizzard, snowstorm, peppermint, hot chocolate, gloves, scarf, boots, fireplace.

For Free Write Friday using what is called stream of consciousness writing, no editing, no proofing just writing!  I used all the words from end to beginning, did you catch that?

Please check out Kellie ElmoreÒ€ℒs blog  for more information on Free Write FridayÒ€ℒs, comment with you link on KellieÒ€ℒs blog, post on twitter hashtag #FWF and join the fun!)

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  1. “prayers are sent heavenward like religion served on a plate,
    while the flames continue eating like unexpected relatives,
    the house is empty the family had left long ago,
    this is Christmas?”

    I literally said ‘wow’ out loud as I read that part! lol πŸ™‚ LOVE IT LOVE IT!!!! Fantastic use of the words, clever and original without sounding forced. Def a fave! And Kudos on using them ALL and IN ORDER!

    1. Thanks Kellie, I had fun with this one even if the ending is a little sad for this time of year, hate it when you hear about someone’s house burning down right before Christmas and it has happened. But that is what struck me when I read through the words so my mind tried to add a little humor also without me really knowing it until I was finished.

      Those were my favorite lines also, kinda sums up the holidays for a lot of us as the real meaning often gets lost in the chaos! Thanks again for the great prompt I have so much fun with the free writing and letting my muse run wild.

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