A Pinurple Mane?
“A Pinurple Mane?” (in progress) “A Pinurple Mane?”     Colored Pencils and Pastels 6×9 inches on black paper  ~M…
“A Pinurple Mane?” (in progress) “A Pinurple Mane?”     Colored Pencils and Pastels 6×9 inches on black paper  ~M…
the summer solstice disturbs my soul raining sunshine from dawn to dusk even hidden behind the cloak of…
We make our moves in mysterious ways We’d rather burn up than stick to the shade Not of…
Heartbroken, I fear the worst watching silently Love, fading steadily over time wrestling down Memories, of a forgotten…
Came home earlier today after 3 glorious days of camping with my girls; campfires, wildlife, great food, animals,…
What one small thing can you do today to venture outside your comfort zone, where true growth and…
Begun using acrylics again for the first time in years and the above horse design is my first…