
I have been silent for awhile now. Here on my blog and all other forms of social media. Just dealing with stuff, you know life. Trying to figure it all out, when  I finally realized there are no clear answers. This was the first post I shared on Twitter just a little over a week ago. Then onto Instagram and my Facebook page.
(PS – I would love to meet and get to know each one of you on those media platforms also. Follow me and I promise to follow back!)
Anyway, I got tired of pretending. Pretending and hiding behind the smiles and the words that never seemed to mean anything to me. Even if they may have meant something to others, so I stopped sharing. But I never stopped writing and those closest to me have stood by me, letting my silence linger and for that I am grateful. They make me stronger. You all make me stronger and I hope you will forgive me for dropping out for a while to find my way.
I now want to send out ripples, to reengage if you will, although I don’t yet know to what level. I realize that maybe if my posts, my words, my images, or just my presence touches one heart, … well it’s all worth it. That may spark them touching someone else and so on and so forth. That is the ‘ripple effect’. So, rise up mighty warriors it is time to seize the day!

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