there is wrong , there is right; there is dark, there is light
there is below, there is above; there is hate, there is love
there is evil, there is good; there is shouldn’t, there is should
there is black, there is white; there is blindness, there is sight
there is fatigue, there is rest; there is worst, there is best
there is fog, there is sun; there is hell, there is heaven


I choose the one I wish, the path leads to destruction or bliss
You hurt me then, you won’t hurt me now
I hated you then, I forgive you now
Pulling the knife from my back, I drop it to the ground
Walking silently away I will break your hold
Thankfully we often do not get what we think we deserve

Maleko ©2013

The above was written for Free Write Friday, from the image prompt on the left – #FWF Free Write Friday: Writing Wrongs!

Using what is called stream of consciousness writiGrab a Button!ng, no editing, no proofing, just writing! Please check out Kellie Elmore’s official site or click on the Free Write Friday Image for more information. Post your submission with a comment and link to your blog on Kellie’s blog, post on twitter with the hashtag #FWF, Facebook and join the fun!

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