love’s memories rattle in my attic filling today with yesterday’s static ♥ two hearts visions still remain left…
In the wonders of creation, I see His creativity, His magnificence, His might. ~T.J. Highland I see so…
Knowing that the world and all people desire and crave grace Knowing sometimes there is no justice in…
An invisible storm swirls within me, as I cry out silently for your mercy. Brutal winds cleave the…
Question: Do you truly believe what you say you truly believe? Throughout my life at different times I…
Trust me was all that was said I promise you joy I promise you peace I promise you…
I will carry my “Monday Morning Mojo” with me throughout the day. Although, the skies may be cloudy…
“Though He slay me, I will hope in Him. ~Job 13:15
“Christmas Old Man” “Dun Che Lao Ren” is Chinese for “Christmas Old Man,” and how Christian children in…