The Protector (A short story for free write Friday)
You suddenly find yourself standing alone on an unknown sidewalk in an unknown place. It’s night and snowing…
You suddenly find yourself standing alone on an unknown sidewalk in an unknown place. It’s night and snowing…
What season of life are you in?
In the wonders of creation, I see His creativity, His magnificence, His might. ~T.J. Highland I see so…
Knowing that the world and all people desire and crave grace Knowing sometimes there is no justice in…
An invisible storm swirls within me, as I cry out silently for your mercy. Brutal winds cleave the…
Question: Do you truly believe what you say you truly believe? Throughout my life at different times I…
Trust me was all that was said I promise you joy I promise you peace I promise you…
I will carry my “Monday Morning Mojo” with me throughout the day. Although, the skies may be cloudy…