Finding the Courage When You Fear the Beginning
The above picture is the preliminary pencil drawing on acrylic canvas board for a new horse painting. I…

Wanderlust – Wordless Wednesday Art
©Mark Schutter 2016
“Windows” -Wordless Wednesday
“Windows” Mark Schutter ©2016

Black and White – Wordless WednesdayÂ
Silver Sight in Black and White Copyright Mark Schutter ©2016

May Our Spirits Never Be Broken
Unbroken spirits Midst the heavens roar On gilded wings they soar Through the valley’s deep Over stones they…

Do butterfly like distractions haunt your mind?
“Distractions softly hover in the corners of my mind, like a butterfly haunts a flower.” ~M  Life: is…

Spring Frolic – Wordless Wednesday
(My daughter’s 7 year old full Arabian horse Silver Sight, aka ‘Thomas’.)
Do You Believe That Dreams Can Come True?
My 11-year-old daughter owns a full-blooded Arabian horse. Silver Sight, aka ‘Thomas‘. Who knew this is the way…

Horse Graffiti – Wordless Wednesday
“Horse Graffitiâ€Â    ©Mark Schutter – Throwback art completed in 2012 4×6 inches ~ Colored Pencils on Black…