The above picture is the preliminary pencil drawing on acrylic canvas board for a new horse painting. I am anxious about beginning, wondering if it will at all resemble the image I have in my mind and yet there is the excitement of starting a new painting.
The Beginning – We so often, myself included, hesitate when starting something new. The fear of failure, and even success, hinders our courage to reach out for something more. I know staring at the vast emptiness of a blank white canvas or paper is so often overwhelming at times. While my mind conjures images of what could be revealed on that surface.
The Fear – It keeps us bound, the what, if’s and but’s that haunt our thoughts. Our own self-doubts that assail our best intentions of doing something great. We stand at the door and knock, we stand at the edge of the cliff ready to fly wondering if we truly can fly.
The Courage – Is inside of each of us, that still small voice. That little light that will always illuminate the dark. If only, we would take that first small step. So it begins and failing is not as bad as never trying at all. To reach for the stars and the desires of our own hearts.
Carpe Diem – I encourage you to begin, right where you are right now. To follow your path, to seek and live your life. Allow yourself to fall, to fail, to wonder, to question and to live without regret. You never know, the journey may be even more beautiful and wonderful than you ever imagined.
PS – Share your journey with me, I would love to hear about it and encourage you along the way. Connect with me here on the blog or through email, info@markschutter.com. I am also on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook. I will post pictures of my painting as it progresses and who knows, it just might turn our even better than I hope.