Carrying Swords
Sometimes life just is. Sometimes there are no answers. Sometimes all we can do is… Believe Be faithful…

Sometime we need to confess our darkness and repent, only then will the cracks appear that will allow…
The Secret of Strength
Jesus wept. ~John 11:35 He suffered scorn, he was ridiculed and mocked, bruised and beaten. He did not…
Where is the Grace? (part 2)
When grace is available to all why do we so easily miss it, for ourselves and others? Why…
Living the Paradox
Do you ever feel as if your life is a paradox, wondering what is truth? #JustBelieve #GraceWins #HopeLives
Condemnation and the One Voice.
Condemnation is often, we so easily tell ourselves comes from others. In loud voices they speak; their supposed…
Only Mercy
Sometimes, in this cruel world lives don’t seem to matter. Hearts can be easily broken while evil crushes…
Death and Life
So death where is your supposed sting? Don’t you see, you ain’t no big thing. You were defeated…