The Ashes Remain (haiku)
Believing the lies Lines chosen God will not cross The ashes remain ~Mark Schutter ©2014
Believing the lies Lines chosen God will not cross The ashes remain ~Mark Schutter ©2014
Standing outside heaven’s curtain Restless in sight of heavens grasp In the basement of the dark of night…
Just a touch of gold A Light that never gets old Shines in hearts so cold ~Mark Schutter…
Just over half way through the month of November and I sit at a little over 40,000 words…
Cluttered thoughts, Scramble and run through our minds. In blinks of an eye, We can leave them all…
Glistens a new day Sunlight sparks off frozen hearts Light that ever stays ~Mark Schutter ©2014 #JustBelieve #GraceWins…
Let us never forget! The sacrifice of others to ensure our freedom and way of life. This day…
There are many roads We will walk There are many loads We will carry Under the guise of…
Revealing mysteries They abound all around Over stones we will tread Under our feet and over our heads…
Adrift in seas of black As splashes of light shine through Of grace and mercy ~Mark Schutter ©2014…