This weeks Free Write Friday focuses on the horrors of Human trafficking with advocate Jessica Kristie, read more about her efforts on Kellie Elmore’s website here.
What Does Freedom mean to you?
freedom is a single spark, cleaving the bloody dark
freedom is a hand to hold, standing strong standing bold
freedom is healing in the pain, wounds washed clean by rain
freedom is awakened deep, a hope that hearts do keep
freedom is held in the soul, while bells of mourning toll
freedom is ever strong and true, when evil demands its due
freedom is the eyes of a child, fairy tale optimism running wild
freedom is chasing a dream, second chances are redeemed
freedom is making a choice, to give the hurting their voice
Maleko ©2013
The above was written for Free Write Friday text prompt What Does Freedom mean to you? using what is called stream of consciousness writing, no editing, no proofing just writing! Please check out Kellie Elmore’s blog for more information on Free Write Friday’s, comment with you link on Kellie’s blog, post on twitter with the hashtag #FWF and join the fun!