We often draw lines in our lives, setting boundaries all in the name of trying to keep ourselves from being hurt. In the end they keep us from experiencing all that life as to offer. Free will allows us to be the artist of our lives and to create a life’s work that is uniquely us. We only reach that place of breakthrough when we move past what is comfortable, what is known, what is expected and into the absurd. We must allow the colors to run, to mingle and mix with the colors of others creating new hues and shades.
The community, the life we yearn for is only found in the anxiety of mystery. We must choose to walk into the darkness of our hearts, search the undiscovered and shine a light into the dark corners revealing the beauty of color that resides there. And by the grace of God find our true purpose to be a blessing of ripples impacting the lives of others.   ~M ©2014