There are times when getting carried away can be a good thing. I am one of those people that is always busy. I like to think of it as being productive but most often it is more of an anxiety sort of thing where I just can’t sit still. Much of what I accomplish may be urgent but rarely important.
And, yet yesterday I was able to sit down at my art table and pour my energies into drawing with new pastels that I received as a gift at Christmas. Time just slipped away…

Pictured above are 9×12 inch pastel drawings based on the black and white photo in the upper left corner of the picture. These are drawings of “Thomas”, my daughter’s full breed Arabian horse. My creativity has always seemed to come in bursts of frenetic activity. I guess today has been no exception. This makes me happy. Being busy is okay, being productive is better and when that happens abandon yourself to the process and flow. What positive activity do you lose yourself in?