I wander, I run, I walk
Towards something that pulls me forward
I wonder, I see, I perceive
After the fall of dark over the land
The trails, the roads, the paths
Lay before me like an endless sea
Waves crash, winds blow, rain falls
My journey, my desires, my life
I venture, I search, I hope
Discovering the glory in the pain
A destiny, a promise, a dream
Moments are captured and stored in eternity
I feel, I cry, I laugh
I search for a place I have never been
I struggle, I fall, I rise
To journey forward despite the obstacles
I sit, I listen, I receive
I step outside my mind and feel the earth beneath my feet
Maleko ©2013
The above was written for Free Write Friday from the image & text prompt at the top of the page using what is called stream of consciousness writing, no editing, no proofing just writing! Please check out Kellie Elmore’s official site or click on the Free Write Friday Image for more information. Post your submission with a comment and link to your blog on Kellie’s blog, post on twitter with the hashtag #FWF, Facebook and join the fun!