The calendar has turned over to 2022, whether we welcome in the new year or not it is now here. It is indifferent to our feelings, our wants, our desires, and our needs. Time marches on as the hands on the clocks tick endlessly on until the batteries run down and the motor stops.
Is this a metaphor for our lives? Our lives move on, whether we do or not, until our batteries run down until we are faced with our own deaths and our life’s ending.
With everything going on in our world today, we can often feel lost. Maybe we need to intentionally get lost? Turn off the electronics and away from the incessant noise of social media and the news.
3 Tips – Get, Go, and Grab!
- Get outside into nature, put on a coat and hat if its cold, and turn off the notifications on your phone. Trust me you’ll be okay. 😉
- Go somewhere you’ve never been before and really look at what is in front of you. Especially if you don’t know where you are. 😎
- Grab someone you love and hold them tight. Feel their breathing and listen for there heartbeat. That is what’s important. 😚