With a new year, 2013, almost here the resounding question ringing in everyone’s head whether we acknowledge it or not is do we or do we not make new year’s resolutions? Do we endeavor to become better selves or do we fear our own history of failing to keep our resolutions?
Fight the fear of failure and do it anyway? A new start, a new beginning, the only true failure is the failure to rise each time we fall. Why not try again? Because it is easier not to try, but get up off the couch and jump into that icy water on New Years Day!

- IÂ resolve to do my best for myself and for others especially my family and friends
- I resolve to give myself and others the grace we all so desperately crave and need
- I resolve to do for myself and others intentional acts of kindness
- I resolve to let my light shine and to encourage others to let theirs shine
- I resolve to never give up on myself,others or my God, no matter
Yes, I did! the circumstances
Is this selfish since my resolutions are focused on myself first, maybe a little bit but unless you take care of yourself you are not much good to others. So here’s to each of us becoming better at being better for others, God bless!
The above was written for Free Write Friday from the image prompt at the top of the page using what is called stream of consciousness writing, no editing, no proofing just writing!
Please check out Kellie Elmore’s blog for more information on Free Write Friday’s, comment with you link on Kellie’s blog, post on twitter with the hashtag #FWF and join the fun!