Strong Enough!
You are strong enough! As we {finally} near the end, the year of 2020 will live on in…

Let Them Deal With It – Motivation Monday
There are days my friend when it is all you can do to stand, but stand you must…

Have You Become the Storm?
Though I walk through the valley of death (or shadows)… I know that in my own life it…

Wanderlust – Wordless Wednesday Art
©Mark Schutter 2016
My Strength
For themselves, they have seen my strength; watching me, rise from darkness into light. ~Mark Schutter ©2015
Rise Up!
Rise up mighty WARRIORS and sieze the day! #JustBelieve #GraceWins #HopeLives
A Bull $^*! Lie
they will tell you every chance they get that boys are not supposed to cry time to call…