What does “HOT” smell like?
It’s summer time and daytime temperatures are soaring, so let’s talk about the heat. Not in the usual…
It’s summer time and daytime temperatures are soaring, so let’s talk about the heat. Not in the usual…
Warning: Honesty Post! *All my posts are honest, but this one is a clearer look behind my curtain…
Where is your happy place? That place where the moments linger and time melts into eternity. Where all…
Unbroken spirits Midst the heavens roar On gilded wings they soar Through the valley’s deep Over stones they…
Now, what are your visions and what are your dreams? #KidsMatterOk #YouMatter
Few stand unafraid within the dark of night. Battling the demons to protect battered hearts. ~Mark Schutter ©2016
Carousel horses go up and down. Carousel horses are lost, never to be found. Carousel horses go round…