There are moments and events in each of our lives that leave us wondering and often searching. For answers to questions that rattle in our minds. And, yet even if we found those answers we so desperately seek, would they provide the comfort we seek?
I wonder…
I believe that some questions very well may remain unanswered this side of the undiscovered. To quote CS Lewis –
Can a mortal ask questions which God finds unanswerable? Quite easily, I should think. All nonsense questions are unanswerable.
Not that our seeking and questions are nonsense, quite the opposite. They are our hearts calling out for truth in a world that is so often void of the truth.
So, I encourage you to continue to believe despite the silence. Isn’t faith believing in the unseen? And a hope that your life will be blessed by grace. Remembering that you matter and there is a love that changes people.
#JustBelieve #GraceWins #HopeLives #LoveChangesPeople #YouMatter