Awakenings so graciously bestowed the REALITY Blog Award to Maleko’s Art on November 20, 2012.
Maleko’s Art graciously accepts this most coveted of blog awards, not to take anything away from the other awards. But with every award there is the fine print so now let’s take a moment to examine the criteria for acceptance.
Maleko’s Art is. . .
Real: The stories, the poems, the photos, the art are all from my real life…
Energizing: Hoping to shine a light into the dark places we all have and to show a hope that love always wins…
Amazing: Shows that dancing on the edge of the abyss need not be fatal…
Lovely: Really? Well okay, great art and photos that are nice to look at?
Inspiring: Art is seen with the eyes, felt with the heart and captured in the soul…
Touching: Letting the softer side show through the rough exterior, we have all been wounded…
Yippee: Again, shining a light of hope that there can always be a redemption!
Not really sure about the criteria of lovely but I will leave that up to you. There are some some beautiful thought provoking poetry and stories often accompanied by some very visually stimulating images. A picture can be worth a thousand words. The drawings and paintings are also well done of often easily recognizable subjects (can someone say horses!) and they often represent a larger truth and meaning behind the image.
With every award comes RULES!
1.) Show appreciation of the blogger who nominated you and link back to them in your post. DONE!
2.) Add the award logo to your blog. DONE!
3.) Share 7 things about yourself. SEE BELOW!
3.) Nominate 5 – 10 or more bloggers you admire. SEE BELOW!
4.) Contact your chosen bloggers to let them know. CHECK YOUR BLOG! WATCH FOR A TWEET!
5.) Optional questions. (This one I am blank on, lucky you!)
7 “tidbits of trivia” about me:
- Loyal – a cowboy at heart
- Graceful – trying to see the best in people
- Mysterious – a past that haunts me to this day
- Adventurous – love the wilderness
- Caring – sometimes there are no words
- Honest – brutally at times
- Love Wins! – never doubt this
Maleko’s Art bestows the Reality Blog Award to:
Carri @ Grace Unveiled
Diane @ Coastalmom
Mikael @ MikShorty or Something Write
Daina @ Daina’s Book
Evan @ The Better Man Projects
Shawn @ Love Wins