Happy Monday Friends! 😃
I have been posting here on WordPress since 2012 and on Blogger for a couple of years before that. I have tried to institute a schedule for posting on several occasions over the years. And every time it seems like it works for a while and then… well you know I miss a day or a scheduled post and it all falls apart.
I berate myself and stop posting for a while until I start again. Story of my life… trying to be consistent. Well, now I am going to try it again. I plan on posting three days a week on a new schedule so you can look for a certain type of post on certain days if you are so inclined.
The following are the themes:
- Motivation Monday’s
- Inspiration and encouragement to start the week.
- Look for short posts to kick of the week in an easy style.
- Quotes, poetry, art, photo’s etc. that will hopefully inspire and encourage.
- Wordless Wednesday’s
- This day will be a photo only, no words.
- Only a caption of where or when the photo was taken.
- This is a popular theme many bloggers take part in across the blog sphere.
- I look forward to reading your comments if a photo speaks to you in anyway.
- Anything Goes Saturday’s
- Just as the title says, anything goes on Saturday.
- Updates on my writings; novels, memoir, poetry etc.
- And sometimes just ramblings or thoughts of whatever is on my mind.
- Be sure to check it out because you never know what might pop up! 😉
So, let’s get started with the first Motivation Monday! A simple reminder that you matter and …

Have a great day my friends! You are so much more than ORDINARY!