Moonlight shadows sing
Dark hovers over my heart
Tales of myth and kings
~Mark Schutter ©2014
(Poem #11 of 31 for #OctPoWriMo, still on track!)
~Mark Schutter ©2014
(Poem #11 of 31 for #OctPoWriMo, still on track!)
“Do not be overcome by evil; but overcome evil with good.” ~Romans 12:21
#HopeLives #JustBelieve #LoveChangesPeople
As we begin to fade, seeming to become invisible to those around us, our emotions mounting in a…
Words are powerful, those we speak to others and to ourselves. Be careful, choose wisely and shine your…
the motion, the ensuing commotion a place of stillness, you are blessed moments is all it takes, for…