Sharing Space – for the Poetic Diversity Project
Another poem in response to Shawn L. Bird’s Poetic Diversity Project prompt for her Masters class. For March 8th she has asked for us to please share poetry or observations about the challenges and/or joys of sharing a space with others and link it in the comments on Shawn’s blog.  Here is my contribution:
Here we sit,
in our little house.
I’m trying to think
as the ideas come and go.
The light glares from the screen and
I hope the story will unfold.
Then I hear the excited screams
of your laughter,
from the other room.
“I can hear you!”
My thoughts are derailed.
This novel will not write itself!
Then silence,
and it makes me think.
“What in the world is going on now?”
The words are fleeting,
the moments too few.
Our house is filled with joy.
And too soon you’ll be gone,
so laugh and scream
to your heart’s content.
I would not ever trade
being your daddy or
have it any other way.
~Mark Schutter ©2015