You will take me down
Into the depths feeling I might drown
For you know it is there can I truly see
The glorious beauty of your majesty
Into the mystic all around
My pounding heartbeat the only sound
Fly away to where we were meant to be
Revealing to us your holy mysteries
You will take me down
Break these chains that keep me bound
I want to live in shameless freedom
From now until your coming kingdom
Life and glory can be found
Let the false intimacy come unwound
Renouncing the enemy’s bastard accusations
Evil fears its pronounced damnation
You will take me down
Exchanging my ashes for a beautiful crown
For love and mercy linger in a secret place
Freely given is your unveiled grace
~Mark Wayne

#JustBelieve #HopeLives
Spending lots of time lately thinking about ‘holy mysteries’, life and death. Our purpose, destiny and futures if we fully devote yourselves to God’s call on our lives. Yes, it will be scary and overwhelming at time and we might even feel like we are drowning and that is when we might fully come alive and live the life we were created to live chasing the dreams God has given us.