Leaves silent fall
Anxiety covers all
As October falls
~Mark Schutter ©2014
Photo ©Carri Schutter of Grace Unveiled
A short poem, haiku style, #27 for October Poetry Writing Month, #OctPoWriMo.
~Mark Schutter ©2014
Photo ©Carri Schutter of Grace Unveiled
A short poem, haiku style, #27 for October Poetry Writing Month, #OctPoWriMo.
There are many roads We will walk There are many loads We will carry Under the guise of…
It is November 15th and half way through the month of November 2012 and the pursuit of thousands…
Do not allow a spirit of fear to run your life for you are more than a conquer…
Jessie, Paris is Always a Good Idea nominated me for a kick-ass blogger award almost a month ago and…
Have you ever felt like your life is just throwing rocks in the dark hoping to hit something?…
Whether she was conceived in love, or not. Under the cover of darkness, or in the light. Born…