I believed in you
In hope and wishes
In dreams come true
I wandered for years
My faith did wane
Until seeing it clear
Searching the sky above
I once again believe
The greatest gift is love
~Mark Schutter ©2015
I am not talking about the jolly fat man in the red suit who slides down chimney’s on Christmas Eve. I am searching for the true meaning of Christmas. What it means to be selfless and giving, humble and kind. The world would be such a better place if only we could make this Christmas thing last all year-long and not just for a few weeks in December. We so easily put everything back into boxes on December 26th and go back to our selfish self-righteous ways. When love, grace, mercy and hope are needed everyday of the year. I wish every one of my readers a very Merry Christmas and may you be blessed each day. ~M