It started like any other day, waking and getting ready for work, commuting in and basically hitting the ground running, at least I like to think so when my feet hit the cold floor. Thank God for coffee cause this time of the year it’s still dark outside.
Anyway about mid-morning when using the facilities, if you know what I mean :), I realized that my underwear was on backwards. (TMI probably but stay with me there is a point to all this, really. Also, note to self – be careful getting dressed in the dark!) As I pondered the situation I decided to not correct the issue and left them the way they were. It did not seem to be a problem and had not hindered me so far.
As the day went on this thing that no one could see and only I knew about lingered in the back of my mind softly whispering ‘backwards’ but still it felt right, go figure. I used this seemingly useless and trivial information to allow my mind to look at things differently almost as if the world became more colorful and the walls began to come down. Not sure how this works intellectually and I can’t explain it but I began to look at things backwards, why not?

New ideas, new solutions, new goals,
new futures, new thoughts, new colors,
new designs – require new thinking
(or at the very least different thinking).
Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. ~Albert Einstein
“Because that’s why!”
What can you look at differently with a fresh new perspective in new colors and in a new way for 2013?
Suggestion – cast aside the fear and doubts, wear your underwear backwards for a day and see what happens!