I have lost my faith, not my belief my faith. I have misplaced it, and it cannot be found. I will still search, searching no matter. I will hold my faith, with tenacity at best. I still will believe, crying out to you. I still will trust, your truth in my unbelief.
“I do believe; help my unbelief.” ~Mark 9:24
Do you struggle in the area of faith and belief?
This past week we lost our beloved dog, Sadee Jayne ⤠(See this week’s Wordless Wednesday photo of her.) She was the fourth member or our pack and we had twelve wonderful years together. Her death has rekindled many memories of grief for me. Thus leading me to lots of questions, similar questions to those I have written about in my upcoming memoir ‘Cowboys Are Not Supposed To Cry.’
I know I struggle not in losing my faith but in misplacing it if you will. It tends to ebb and flow when I allow my belief to be based on my emotions and what is happening to me and around me. Often building my faith on a precarious stack of rocks instead of on the rock. I believe we need to focus more on the truth that does not change.
“Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.” ~Hebrews 13:8
What do you think?