I hold a vision from here to there Where I can see things of memory The path lays before me shining crystal clear As shadows dance silently on the fringe Overcome by desires that scamper quickly away While standing still falls a single rolling tear One small drop that holds all my fears A haunting serenade redemptive love infringes Beckons a safe passage to another world Where angels play beyond the undiscovered Grace reaches softly no heart left untouched The broken places cracks desperately patched This is where the light shines into the pain A question wells up within as deep calls to deep How do I ever get from here to there?
3 Tips
- Keep your vision in front of you
- Seek healing and restoration for others and yourself
- Believe that you have something to do or say that someone needs
#LiveYourDreams #JustBelieve #HopeLives #GraceChangesPeople
What dream or vision are you seeking? What first step can you take? #LiveYourDreams #SaturdayMotivation #YouGotThis
This post is a further exploration of an earlier post for “Monday Motivation“ offering I hope some practical tips to help us all get “From Here to There.”
I have used these tips as touchstones on my own journey to get from here to there. Stay tuned for some exciting news coming next Saturday! Be sure to check out that blog post!
3 Tips > 1- Keep your vision in front of you. 2- Seek healing and restoration for others and yourself. 3- Believe that you have something to do or say that someone needs. #LiveYourDreams #SaturdayMotivation #YouGotThis #FromHereToThere