Jesus wept.

~John 11:35

Bull$√!+He suffered scorn, he was ridiculed and mocked, bruised and beaten. He did not speak against those who mercilessly crucified him and he willingly gave his own life. He was strong, in ways that the world did not and does not understand to this day.
He stood strong against all that was evil and wrong in the world with an unfathomable compassion and love.
He refused to compromise the truth, and yet, when those he loved died he wept. He felt and expressed emotions deeply and lived his life on earth fully as a model for us to follow. If it was good enough for him, it is good enough for me and I refuse to believe or live the enemy’s lie.
What about you, who and what will you believe?
#JustBelieve #GraceWins #HopeLives #LoveChangesPeople #YouMatter

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