wpid-wp-1409436116985.jpegWe search, we seek to find.
What do we desire?
To fill our heart’s empty place,
with the extravagance of holy fire.
Will we ever be satisfied?
As we sojourn between the eternities,
what can we hope to find?
A raging fire in a single candle flame.
A master symphony in one single note.
A rainbow of color in single drop of rain.
A stretch of beach in one single grain of sand.
A lush forest overgrown in a single leaf.
A year’s harvest in a single piece of fruit.
A story of timeless truths in one single word.
A whole life lived in one single simple moment.
We strive, we slave to find.
Do we believe our desires?
When all is freely given if only,
we would surrender and just believe.

~Mark Schutter ©2014

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