It is November 15th and half way through the month of November 2012 and the pursuit of thousands world wide to write a 50,000 word novel in 30 days sponsored by #NaNoWriMo

I am lagging way behind! So far I am at 11578 words so far and need to average 2261 words per day to get to 50,000 by November 30th.  At this rate I am projected to finish on December 30, 2012 only 30 days behind schedule but I have a great finishing kick!  So many things have gotten in the way like my daughters birthday, parents in town, new job negotiations, marriage conference out of town, attending a trial for work but those are just excuses cause who needs to sleep, eat or communicate with your spouse, right?

The story is coming along with the plot and characters and I have lots of ideas sketched out just need to put on the coffee and start writing, typing and counting my words.  Wish me luck!

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