With the back to school season upon us, I was blessed to hear a great sermon by Pastor Tim Wimberly of Living Water last Saturday night about parenting titled “Living Life Together”. It was about the impact we have on our kids. He encouraged each parent (current and future) that it is never too late. We all feel inadequate and unprepared for parenting, when in reality what our children need more than anything is simply us with all of our imperfections. Our love and our time, not things. If you would like to watch the sermon or listen to a podcast click here. And follow Pastor Tim on Twitter, you won’t be disappointed! During the sermon the idea for a simple blog post (poem and photo) came to me and I share it with you now. Remember it is never to late, you will always be their mom or dad!

If you are still breathing
You are still in the game
There is still time
The future yet unwritten
Yesterday is gone
Tomorrow a blank slate
What really matters
100 years from now
Money, possessions, cars, toys
Things with no emotion
No connection
Time and moments lost
When they look into your eyes
What will they see?
Love, hope, acceptance
It matters
It makes a difference
It will change the world
It is never too late
The moment is now
Too shine a light
Because they will know and remember
The unconditional love and acceptance
100 years from now
~Mark W. Schutter ©2014